速報APP / 個人化 / paper safari LWallpaper

paper safari LWallpaper





版本需求:Android 2.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Tokyo, Japan

paper safari LWallpaper(圖1)-速報App

It is the live wallpaper of pretty animals expressed by paper crafts.

The world of cheerful animals is broaden to full screen:-)

by uistore.net

★It synchronizes at time of daytime and evening(*)and night(*)(*PaidVersion only)

★Various animals such as an elephant, a lion and a monkey react to the touch. Touch it♪

(the rhinoceros,giraffe does not react to a touch.)

★It has a cute clock widget of paper craft.(*Home Screen Press and hold>Widget>paper safari)

paper safari LWallpaper(圖2)-速報App

★Movement after the trial period end.

(Animals are not displayed. They do not react to the touch)

★It corresponds to a horizontal screen.

★Able to store it on the SD card.(*OS2.2 or more)(*When you set it as wall paper, lease save (move) it in the main body. The setting may returns to a default when you reboot.)

※Setting method:home screen>menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper

※According to memory conditions,it may not be able to set normally. In that case, please restart your portable terminal and set it again.

※If you exit live wallpaper,it may not be able to exit normally by using task end application program such as task killer. Please exit it after setting other live wallpapers.

paper safari LWallpaper(圖3)-速報App

※When not normally working by updating it, it improves it when doing by reinstalling it after uninstalling it.

※When updating it with setting the wallpaper, the screen may turn black in the case of OS2.1.You can set it correctly by resetting after setting other live wall papers. It's a feature for OS, and it contains improved OS2.2.

paper safari LWallpaper(圖4)-速報App